
Aflam Porn


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Aflam Porn is the place to go if you want to see a mixture of Western and Arabic porn combined, and I highly recommend this site for readers of Mr. Porn Geek that happen to speak Arabic as a native language. The reason for this is simple: no English version of the site exists, which means that if you only manage to utter the Queen’s language, you’ll be stuck using Google translate to navigate the site. It’s not that bad to be honest, but I think it’s worth mentioning because you may want to consider the competition before jumping on over and getting involved.

Navigating the language barrier issue

Because everything here is written in Arabic – from the descriptions to the headings- you won’t know how to navigate Aflam porn. You could go clicking about blindly and hope to get lucky or you can use this simple cheat sheet I’ve created for you. The categories are the easiest way to get around this massive aflam porno collection and you’ll find them on the right hand side of the homepage.

The categories are a little different from those you’d normally find on a site like this. How? In addition to all the regular categories like milfs, lesbians, blowjobs and celebs, there seems to be an emphasis on Moroccan, Algerian, French, Turkish and Russian porn. Of course most of the aforementioned countries lean towards the muslim side of religion so it makes sense why they’d be prominently featured here.

That said, not all the actual porn here is in Arabic so if you’re not interested in reading and understanding any of the writings on the site, just click on a video and enjoy. The dialogue in the vids I checked out was in English. But you’re not here for the dialogue, you’re here for the action and to that end I can testify that Aflam porn doesn’t disappoint. Every single video here is full of hardcore fucking. The clips vary in length but some are shorter than I would personally prefer. Still though, if you just want to quickly rub one out, this huge compilation of aflam porno should do the trick.

You can’t go wrong with free

The videos here of Muslim sluts taking cock are 100% free to watch, so no matter how much cash you’ve got in the bank, seeing some Haram chicks enjoying jihad cock won’t be an issue. The quality isn’t the best which is why I couldn’t give this site the full five stars but ultimately, I’m happy with how populated with content that AflamPorn.com is and it’s a stellar choice for anyone seeking good Arabic adult videos. Take a look around and see what you think – I honestly don’t believe you’ll be disappointed with the fine array of Arabic girls getting down and dirty!

Review Pros
  • Hundreds of videos
  • Regular updates
Review Cons
  • No English version
  • Limited descriptions