Porn Tube

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Porn Tube is one of the more attractive free sex video sites out there on the market at the moment. The homepage is chock full of thumbnails that display a wide array of erotic content ranging from brunettes getting fucked in the shower all the way down to Asian girls giving blowjobs. Along the top of the site, you’ll find links to places such as the categories page and a pornstar hub. This is pretty handy if you just want to see one girl in action: they’re typically able to show you all of the scenes on Porn Tube that feature that one girl. Not a bad little feature, eh?

As for the clips themselves, it’s hard to count exactly, but I estimate that has somewhere around 1 million scenes. In other words, there’s more porn here than you could ever possibly want. Additionally, a lot of the scenes are in HD, which is uncommon for a big tube site that has a lot of viewers. There are quite a few adverts, but you can always expect that on a tube site. Sorting via popularity, upload date, duration, rating and views is also possible. When all is said and done, this is quite a decent porn site for anyone that likes HD sex videos. Which is probably all of us, right?

Review Pros
  • Nice design
  • Lots of free videos
  • Many HD clips
Review Cons
  • A lot of adverts
  • No download feature