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What is ManyToon?

ManyToon is a hentai site full of hentai comic books that will get any little worm twitching in its dark cave, as long as you can stand the design issues of this site. Now, I review loads of small porn sites, and many of them are great, but there are so many things wrong with ManyToon that I don’t know if it is. So, can be any good at all, let’s delve deep into the cartoon pussy of this site and find out shall we?

The design issues on ManyToon

The styling of ManyToon is great, but the design issues on ManyToon are crap! The porn comics are so big that you can’t see one page of the comic without scrolling down your page. Plus the comics just load as a scrolling pile of images, rather than the nice little booklet thing that many hentai porn sites have stolen off of the Kindle, I like this way much better. These layout issues really makes it fucking difficult to enjoy the porn on ManyToon.

Plus, there are so many ads on this site. Right now, I can count five ads on the page of porn I am on, and I can’t see the comic because the ads are blocking it! That shit ain’t good ManyToon, not at all. I didn’t come on your site to look at ads, I came on here to have a wank and kick some site ass, and as I can’t wank on your shitty little site, I guess I am going to have to kick some porn site ass!

The porn on ManyToon

The porn on ManyToon doesn’t actually look too bad, but I can’t honestly see much of it. If the scrolling thing weren’t bad enough, then the ads blocking the comics kills the whole mood. I have tried to look at a few of the sexy hentai comics on this site so far, and it is so slow, so annoying and so full of ads that I can barely get through a few pissing pages of the comic before I want to give up and fucking end it all! I would love to say that the porn on ManyToon looks great, but I can barely see it so I can’t.

There are way too many ads on ManyToon!

Yeah, this site can go and suck a massive cartoon donkey dick for all I give a shit. I am growing into a hentai fan because of these site reviews, but I cannot deal with a site offering hentai porn in such a shoddy way as this. This is barely a porn site because the porn is so hard to see through the shitty way it is presented and the god damn ads! You are shit, ManyToon, go and draw a middle finger and fuck off!

  • Nice styling
  • Some good porn
  • A good community
  • Loads of ads
  • Fucked designs