Sci-fi Sex Scenes From Portal Game Porn Are Now Here


When I first looked up portal porn, one of the pornographic movie options that I found was pretty fantastic. It was a character who had an actual portal that they used to stick their own cock into, with the other portal pointing straight at their mouth. This trans porn character was sucking her own cock, and it was one of the most incredibly hot things I have seen lately. Being a gamer geek, I love animated porn movies just as much as I love creative porn scenes. This is almost taking BDSM elements to another level, and I would love to see more porn movies featuring this concept being created.
I know that I won’t have to wait too long because the people who create porn for gamers are incredibly imaginative. Either way, this article is about the Portal videogame, so if you are looking for information on Portal sex, you are in the right spot. Portal is a puzzle game and was developed and published by the Valve Corporation. Released in 2007, there are many fun puzzles that are solved by teleporting your character, as well as objects, using a handheld portal device. This handheld portal device is what I saw when I first looked up portal porn. The concept is ingenious, and from a sexual perspective, there are many fun things that can happen with these handheld portable devices.

Imagination Runs Wild In Porn From Portal

Imagine utilizing sex toys on yourself at the most convenient angles possible. This would be a massive convenience. Now, imagine watching your favorite characters from Portal and Portal 2 getting it on with themselves. This is an incredibly original game, and very few games have come close to its fantastic composition. The game includes many humorous elements and is often spoken of as one of the best games of all time. Over 4 million copies of the game have been sold, but that is not including some of the online places where the game can be purchased.

The numbers have to be a hell of a lot higher overall. No matter whether you are looking for a porn Portal experience or are seeking out Portal 2 porn, I am your guide to getting that dick off hard and fast using the best of the best. Being part of the Aperture Science Laboratories Computer-Aided Enrichment Center, you are part of the team that is responsible for the creation of a new device, one that utilizes portals. The game exists in the same universe that the Half-Life series takes place in, but the only real relationship between the games is the limited number of references that are found.

Who Do You Play With In The Game?

That character that you play is named Chell, and early on, players get limited amounts of information about what is happening. What you do know, however, is that you are waking up from the stasis bed, and you hear instructions and warnings from the artificial intelligence that explains the next test experience. After being promised both cake and grief counseling for completing all of the test chambers, it is time to start the tests. There is no actual sex in the Portal games, but you can see how creative minds can think of many perverted ways to use the world itself.

Some Amazing Portal Sex Options

I have to say that I was mesmerized by that first porn movie that I watched, but upon researching further, there was much more to see. Being a fan of the game, I know that there is a lot out there that can be done to further turn people on. Each time I head over to the top websites I have reviewed; I know that I can do a search for Portal Chell porn and find something fun and creative. These things can be found on porn forum websites, rule 34 websites, animated porn websites, and there are even fantastic porn comics that take concepts from the game.

Imagine being able to have sex with another person who is all the way across the room. They have one portal, and you have the other. You stick your dick in, and out it comes right into their pussy. The rush a person can get from experiences like this is intense. It is also a fantastic option for people who are interested in sucking their own dick. People who love watching others masturbate will be especially enthused by the fantastic science-fiction options presented by the game itself.

AI Based Sex Scenes Are The Greatest

One of the hottest things that this game presents, however, is numerous personalities that artificial intelligence could have. Imagine the most friendly artificial intelligence machine wanting to provide you with the maximum amount of pleasure possible. After analyzing millions of options, they would be able to find the perfect fantasy simulation or experience for you. On the other end of things would be an artificial intelligence machine that had ulterior motives. Imagine being in a world controlled by artificial intelligence where you are put in positions where you have to cater to the desires of the artificial intelligence. While the AI might not have feelings of its own, it can assuredly know what it wants.

These sorts of AI opportunities bring plenty of power exchange elements to the roleplay porn movies that are based on the game. In addition to being able to utilize both the AI and the characters own body, other items can also travel through the portal as well. This would be perfect for couples, honestly. Imagine being able to be in one room, possibly even in a different city, and use a portal to fuck your partner with a sex toy and finger them. There are so many options that are available that Portal XXX films are going to continue to be incredibly popular.

How Can Mr. Porn Geek Help?

Mr. Porn Geek, that’s me, has spent a ton of time finding the best of the best for every porn genre available. When I was first asked about finding Portal and Portal 2 porn scenes, I will admit that I was a little bit skeptical. After seeing what is out there, I am here to cheer it on. There are so many different types of porn out there, and the porn from Portal the game is an incredibly unique spin on adult entertainment movies. In three words, “I love it.”