Website Rank #139
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Smutr presents users with access to the latest and greatest hardcore porn with their smooth, free display of erotic videos in a classic tube-style format. When you get to the homepage of the site, you’ll see the most viewed clips, scenes that have been uploaded recently and plenty of links to various places so that you can find the right pornographic video to jerk your meat to. My professional advice as a porn geek is to navigate your way over to the categories page so you can make a selection of what you want to watch, be it bondage, BBW, blowjob or ebony porn. I’d estimate that there are around 18000+ clips in total here – not bad for any adult tube archive!

While there’s nothing particularly unique about that warrants rating it above the big porn tubes out there. What’s even more impressive is the fact that you don’t need an account to watch the videos. For this reason, there’s no possible way that Smutr gets a lower than 5-star rating from me. Good on you guys for providing such a great place to find thousands of hot adult videos.

  • Lots of porn scenes
  • Regular updates
  • Nice site design
  • Nothing to really hate.